As a parent, my focus has always been and will be on parental involvement, building bridges among parents and provide supportive networks though linking parents from diverse communities. I strongly believe in equity, respect for diversity and cultural competency development for the students in educational institutions and their respective families. Peel is a multicultural, densely populated immigrant region. We all come from different backgrounds in terms of culture, ethnicity, language, religion and traditions. When we live, study and work 8 together, our focus should be to make room for each other, to accommodate each other’s needs and to learn about each other as a community.

Residing in Mississauga for over a decade, has given me an extra special opportunity to meet and engage many of you. As a parent, I find that most of us have similar priorities, likes, hopes and vision for the future of our children. Like many of you, I’m a parent as well and I can totally relate to these. The motto of my campaign is building bridges of understanding, respect for diversity, and equity for all.

I strongly believe it takes a village to raise a child- and by building bridges of understanding, I would like all of us to work together- you and I to work together, the staff to work together, and parents to work together, and also the students working with us to make a difference for their own lives.

I believe that parents have a very strong impact and a significant role in their child’s life- from through career choice, through their guidance, through their skill development, and through their choices as an individual. By building the capacity of our parents, by their meaningful engagement, and through their connection with their child’s staff and the school staff, we would like to make that impact for you and me, and our future generation. Parents and their engagement, their skill development, their capacity building and the cultural capacity building, of staff and students, meaningful parental involvement, building the cultural competency of our staff, and meaningful engagement of our students is the way to go. As your trustee, I would like to work towards building all the same connections at the grass root level for grass level impact for our future leaders. Please vote for me, and come and see me if you have any questions or any suggestions for me.

My Facebook groups: Join me on Facebook through many groups I lead for community empowerment:

Interfaith Engagement:
Parents for Education Reform:

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